Long live free and united Balochistan

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Pakistan is irrational state,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1. When a state act irrationally it is hard to predict the state action. Pakistan is irrational state, its politician behave the same ways as the criminals they recognizes no internal law.

2. The state of Pakistan arose from the colonial units, which was imposed upon five self-sustain nations. In order to create ideological Islamic state, the Indian subcontinent Muslim elites, had formed Islam into political ideology mobilized the Muslim in around the hate against Hindus majority; Muslim elite in India had succeeded to create state, but they have failed to transform the religion into nationalist ideology. They are finding it a very difficult to create a homogenous nation in Pakistan. Pakistan became a sovereign territory, but it is far from unified nation.

3. Now there is popular myth among the Baluch nation that there were impossible for any invader to subdue the Baluch nation completely, no empire has ever been able to achieve that.
Mountains have protected Baluch from outside invaders. But not any more, modern armies are equipped with modern technologies that the Baluchistan Mountains are no longer safe forts which once were for the Baluch forefathers. Modern technologies make it possible for the enemies to navigate Baluchistan mountain from the air without ever put foots on the Baluchistan soil. State is capable to listen into conversation whenever Baluch communicate with one another.

4. Question is how Baluch should face the Pakistani army that is armed with bombs, which can destroy mountains by click of figure on the button. Pakistan army hold the comical poisons which they have been using against unarm civilian. They have poisoned the Baluch water well.
The technologies make it possible for the army with the adequate resources to mobiles it forces within hours in any part of Baluchistan.

5. Pakistan is equipped with media, and well educated intellectuals, Pakistan hold a united nation seat. Pakistan has used her international influence and the diplomatic power to silence the Baluch voices in exile. Hybyair Marri a Baluch political leader and Faiz Baluch a political activist who have campaigned against occupation of Baluchistan by Punjabi were arrested on behalf of the Pakistani state by the British police and trialed in the British court. It was British common logic (jury) that found both of them not guilty on 11th Feb 2009.

6. Those who wanted to promote integrity of Baluch nation were assassinated. Pakistan promotes indecency and reward dishonesty. Pakistan has learnt where other failed in Baluchistan. In order to subdue the Baluch nation Pakistan no longer believe in assimilation, secondly assimilation process take long time and need a lot of expert knowledge.

7. In order to assimilate another nation one have to have well define culture, Pakistan is lacks the homogenous culture in which they can assimilate the Baluch population into given culture. Pakistani formed their state by cultivating hearted against Hindu therefore that hatred has pushed Pakistani from their Indian cultural heritage these ambiguities create more uncertainty. Punjabi’s sindh, and Karachi’s immigrant cultural linguistic roots lay in the Indian subcontinent, Phakhtoon root lay within Afghanistan. The Baluch have no share culture with Indian. One can create artificial state over night but cannot create a new culture.

8. Now for state to survive Pakistani are relaying on the brutal force; they are killing the nationalist educated elite and those tribal chief who are sympathetic to national liberation cause. Pakistan has succeeded to silent some middle classes and corrupt immoral Baluch. And swamp Baluchistan with settler, and Pakistan most loyal allies Talban.
It is remain to be seen if Pakistani succeeds. Baluch are resisting strongly, although there are weakness in struggle.

9. Pakistan would like to draw a feature of Baluch as an uncivilized people. The Pakistani is finding easy to kill Baluch in isolation away from foreign media. Baluch intellectual should debate ideas and should not shy away from discussion that what future Baluch have in Pakistan. More than 8000 capable educated Baluch have been kidnapped by security forces without any charges registered against them their where about unknown. So called elected government of Baluchistan is seems to be powerless according to the governor and chief minister of Baluchistan
. Political parties are denied platform, state army acting like common criminal, kills who ever please them.

10. Baluch may need to recognize that environment that their survivors depend on it had changed. Baluch need to develop new ideas to encounter new phenomenon. Baluch may need to rely less on the mountain for a protection and relay more on civic society, because the mountain no longer offer the protection to Baluch because the enemy has adulterated their mountains.



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