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Drone attacks in Balochistan can’t be opposed: Magsi

* Balochistan governor says Washington can do ‘whatever it pleases’ because ‘it’s paying’ Pakistan

QUETTA: Pakistan cannot oppose US drone strikes in Balochistan as Washington can do “whatever it pleases” because it is “paying money” to the country, Balochistan Governor Zulfiqar Magsi said on Saturday.

Talking to reporters after chairing a seminar at a local hotel, Magsi said Pakistan did not have an option in the matter. “You cannot oppose someone who pays you money. The US is paying money to Pakistan. How can we oppose it? It will do whatever it pleases,” the governor said.

Magsi said lawlessness was no longer a Balochistan-specific issue, as the whole country was facing a deteriorating law and order situation.

The Balochistan governor said the reforms package offered by the Centre to Balochistan was being regarded as “charity” across the province and was unlikely to address the actual grievances of the people of Balochistan.

He said the situation in the province could only be resolved through the grant of maximum provincial autonomy and the province’s control over its own natural resources. “Balochistan has never asked the federal government to provide it with a package. A package is viewed by the people of the province as charity given to them, which is not a solution to their problems. Balochistan’s problem is related to provincial autonomy and control over natural resources,” the governor said.

By Malik Siraj Akbar

Magsi says: Balochistan package our right not a 'charity'

White House approves expansion of CIA’s Drone program in Balochistan

As the Obama adminstration gears up to send 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, the White House has approved an expansion of the CIA’s drone program in Pakistan, Fox News has confirmed.

Officials told Fox News on Friday that they see the program as one of the primary tools in targeting Al Qaeda — specifically the terrorist network’s leaders hiding in tribal areas of Pakistan.

The Obama administration reportedly is talking with Islamabad about expanding the ‘drones strikes’ program from Waziristan to Balochistan, a controversial move since it is outside the tribal areas, commented right-wing’s influential TV news channel FOX NEWS.

Balochistan is where Afghan Taliban leaders are believed to be hiding, the report said, echoing similar statements made by US and UK officials including PM Gordon Brown’s most recent broadside on this matter targeted at Pakistan administration.

Afghanistan’s southeastern provinces of Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul abut Balochistan. These provinces remain strongholds of Taliban.

Many in US Congress have grown skeptical that Islamabad is doing all it can to drive out Al Qaeda forces reportedly hiding along its mountainous Afghan border.

Obama has not said whether or how the troop buildup would accelerate attacks on the terrorist network supposedly hiding in Pakistan.

"It is not clear how an expanded military effort in Afghanistan addresses the problem of Taliban and Al Qaeda safe havens across the border in Pakistan," said Sen. Richard Lugar, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


US official confirms discussions on drone attacks in Balochistan

WASHINGTON: There have been “discussions in Congress, and a lot of different places, to expand the area” of drone attacks, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism chairman said on Saturday. Adam Smith said he would not provide details, but a US government official said discussions were underway to expand those attacks into Balochistan. Other officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the drone programme is classified and decisions on the programme are not yet final. The officials said the stepped-up moves against the Taliban networks could extend the air strikes further south, beyond the current target areas in Waziristan and into Balochistan. US special operations forces are also developing plans to expand their training of Pakistan’s paramilitary Frontier Corps operating in Balochistan.


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