Long live free and united Balochistan

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BNV and BWP strongly condemn Pakistani force attack on New Kahan

The blockade continued for at least 12 hours, during which a house – to – house search was carried out, the area echoed with gunshots as Pakistani security forces opened indiscriminate fire at the stranded residents of New Kahan, people were tortured and harassed, instead of taking the injured to doctors they have been arrested taken to unknown locations for further torture.

Occupied Balochistan: Pakistani occupying forces and plain clothed personnel of agencies besieged New Kahan, also known as Ghaza strip of Balochistan, on the early hours of Friday morning. The security forces fired live bullets at the trapped residents. As a result one woman, two children and four men sustained wounded. Due to the siege around the area the injured people suffered with for whole day without medications. The occupying forces arrested 15 men including the four injured and taken them toward an unknown location.

According to a press release of BNV (Baloch National Voice), state forces ravaged the Baloch Martyrs graveyard and removed the flag of Balochistan from their graves. Residents of New Kahan that because of harvesting season many people were out of the area and their houses were locked but the security forces broke the doors of their houses and looted all valuables. Reporters and media person were barred from entering the area to witness the unprovoked attack of Pakistani security forces against innocent people of New Kahan.

The BNV spokesperson accused the Chief Minister Aslam Raisani and his state sponsored team for being directly involved in New Kahan Operation. He said that Mr Raisani should not forget that Baloch Nation will neither forget nor forgive those who are directly or indirectly involved in operations against Baloch civilians and committing genocide of Baloch people.

The Spokesman further said that constant operations in New Kahan are a tactic of the state to intimidate the people of the area and coerce them to abandon their political belief of free Balochistan. Removing of Balochistan flags from the graves of Baloch martyrs proves that the state [Pakistan] is horrified by the scientific and ideological struggle of Baloch youth for their liberation. Hence such brutal and inhuman acts are failed attempts to hide their fear and defeat.

Spokesman also criticised the international community for keeping silence on Baloch genocide. He said it is sad and shocking that how the International Community’s kindness arise when a person is killed or abducted from anywhere else in the world But thousands of innocent Baloch men, women and children have been killed by Pakistan in past many years, unfortunately, the self-proclaimed champions of Human Rights, guardian of Democracy, and protectors of human dignity are playing the role of a silent spectator to the extermination of Baloch Nation at the hand of Pakistani occupying forces.

Baloch women panel strongly condemn New Kahan operation, Urge International Community to take notice: Baloch Women Panel's central spokesperson said unprovoked attack on New Kahan, loot and pillage of houses, and firing live bullets at the trapped residents and injuring women and children of the area are a basic Human Rights Violation and a condemnable act.

The spokesperson of BWP said that the International Community shouldn’t be silent on the barbaric acts of Pakistani occupying forces in Balochistan rather they should accept and assist the Baloch national struggle for liberation. She further said that Baloch struggle is in accordance with UN human rights charters and promoting value of human dignity. On the other hand the violation of human rights against Baloch nation by Pakistani forces is an insult and abuse of basic human rights of the Baloch people.

She said that the International Community should support the Baloch struggle to regain their sovereignty for the sake of peace, love and the stability in this entire region. BWP appealed the United Nations and other International Human Rights Organizations to investigate New Kahan operation (which resulted in several injuries and arrests) and take action against state atrocities in Balochistan.


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