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Baloch, the Determining factor to Deter Iranian Extremism in Middle East! By Archen Baloch

Iran is feeling the heat of possible repercussion of its misdeeds on Baloch nation. Only within last week, Iran has taken a lot of preventative measures to contain Baloch from possible insurgency. The reasons are obvious: The first thing that comes in our mind while thinking about these new measures is that Iran has done a lot of troubles to Middle Eastern nations, particularly to GCC countries. Supposedly, these Middle Eastern countries can use Baloch nation’s anger against it.

Persian regimes and rulers have hardly left a chance for Baloch People in the known history to utilize their cultural and natural resources to develop themselves. Rather, it has ruthlessly persecuted Baloch nation in the name of Ashrar, smugglers, atheists and traitors, whenever Baloch wanted to assert itself as a cultural nation on its Homeland!

To detract the world attention towards its internal contradictions of different nationalities, Iran has spread its tentacles of religious terrorism around the Middle Eastern peaceful Arab countries without any reason. Particularly the peaceful GCC countries are its prime targets.

On Thursday last week Iranian president, Ahmadi Nejad during his visit to Zahidan, the Capitol of Western Balochistan, has accused the Middle Eastern nations and Western Powers of being ignorance and arrogance. During meeting with some of provincial officials in its occupied southeastern Balochistan he said that “the enemies of the Islamic Iran want to change Seistan and Balochistan Province into an insecure place. People of this province played a key role in protecting Iran’s identity, independence, dignity and territorial integrity”.

Prior to Nejadi’s statement, Iranian ambassador to Pakistan, Mashalla Shakeri has told Pakistani press that Iran was willing to share Copper and Gold Refinery technology with the Pakistani Occupied Balochistan and it also offered a 1000 megawatt electricity line to Balochistan to overcome its shortfall. According to Shakari Iran would help Baloch people to develop themselves.

But contrary to above mentioned wooing efforts of appeasing the disgruntled Baloch, Iran has now started building a concrete fence along the arbitrary border Between Iran and Pakistan, from Taftan to Mand which is more than 700 miles.

This arbitrary border divides Baloch homeland. The excuse is that it wants to stop the movement of so called terrorists from Pakistani occupied Balochistan into Iranian controlled Balochistan. This concrete fence is 10 feet high and 3 feet thick. It is worth mentioning here that a few weeks ago it was reported that Iran was vigorously establishing military cantonments and garrisons across Balochistan. Iranian defense minister Brig Gen Ahmad Wahidi has said that “the fence is to prevent villains from crossing into the Islamic republic”.

Baloch economy is entirely dependent on Border trades on both sides of the Occupied Balochistan. If Iran succeeded in Building this fence and Baloch’s only source of income was straggled, than the world has to prepare itself for another hunger stricken Africa in the form of Balochistan.

Thousand of political and non political Baloch people have been arrested without any reasons. A large number of them have been hanged in public, and more of them are waiting to be hanged!

What harm Baloch has done to Persian people? No one can explain it! Hafeez Hassanabadi, the renowned Baloch Writer, has rightly questioned that “what is the relationship between Iran and Baloch nation? One has to explain it!

Now coming to the relationship between the Arab and Baloch people, as a neighboring nation, Baloch have tremendously contributed to the peace of almost all countries in GCC except Saudi Arabia. Without the presence of Baloch manpower in security forces in the Gulf countries, current prosperity would not have been achieved, given the 60s, 70s and 80s political structure of the GCC countries. British Empire heavily relied on Baloch to man the security forces from ancient Baloch communities living in Gulf countries as a neutral force.

What Iran and Pakistan are doing against Baloch nation is understandable, but why our Arab brothers have become the silent spectator of blatant massacre of Baloch people by the hands of Iran and Pakistan is far beyond our comprehension. The GCC countries intellectual and human rights campaigners never say a single word against the blatant violation of human rights and genocide of Baloch nation at the hand of theocratic regime of Iran and the Security State of Pakistan, let alone their rulers. Instead, they are showering Pakistan with their free oil. However, this apathy of their natural allies did not deter Baloch nation from struggling for the freedom of their homeland. Fighting in solitude, Baloch are paying a heavy price for the freedom of their homeland in terms of human live.

The enemies of Baloch, both Pakistan and Iran, are collaborating with each other on security issues, sharing information and carrying out joint operation against Baloch freedom fighters, the Sarmachars, on daily bases. Pakistan transferred centrifuges to Iran using Baloch air, land and sea. And Baloch political forces time and again informed the world community that Iran and Pakistan are engaged in a sinister kind of Business. But no one listened to it. Pakistan’s interior minister Rahman Malik is highly active in coordinating in between Iranian and Pakistani security forces to crush Baloch insurgency on both sides. He constantly shuttles between Tehran and Islamabad!

Now the stark question is that, why, despite knowing the fact that Iran has an antagonistic history with GCC countries, Pakistan proliferated nuclear technology to Iran?

The predicament of Baloch nation is that the majority of Diaspora Baloch living in the Gulf countries are unable to voice their anger against Iranian and Pakistani atrocities because of the host countries’ political system. They are extremely respectful of Arab hospitality, even under immense pressure they refrain from voicing their anger against Iranian and Pakistani atrocities.

This large number of Baloch People living in gulf countries are sufficient to turn the earth against their persecutors and draw the attention of world community towards the plight of their nation persecuted by Iran and Pakistan on daily Bases.

If the volatility of Middle Eastern nations had any positive impact on any nation other than the Arabs in the region that would be none other than the Baloch! In the neighborhood of GCC countries, Balochistan, occupied by both Iran and Pakistan, increasingly getting highly volatile. Baloch nation is already engaged in guerilla warfare with both Iran and Pakistan. However, they are not getting Arab media and public attention as much as they deserve to.

Last word! To get rid of Iranian religious extremism and reducing it to only to Qum, and to allow the peace and prosperity to flourish in the region, Baloch is a determining factor to deter Iranian extremism and terrorism in Middle East. It is high time for Middle Eastern media to allow a space for Baloch journalists to voice their anger against Iranian and Pakistani atrocities. Arab intellectual’s Interaction with pro freedom Baloch intellectuals and writers would bring in a better understanding of Baloch national question.


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