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Reference held to remember Shaheed Saddo Marri

Occupied Balochistan: BSO-azaad shall zone held a memorial gathering to remember the veteran Baloch commander Shaheed Saddo Marri on his 3rd Martyrdom anniversary. The gathering was held at Bolan Medical Hall in Quetta. Several Baloch political and student leaders paid rich tributes to Saddo aka Mamo Marri. The main speakers included professor Saba Dashtiyari, Agha Ashraf Dilsoz, Banuk Farida Baloch; BSO-azaad shall zone President Mehrab Baloch, Sisiter of Wadood Raisani and Banuk Indlaib Baloch.

An audio message of the Baloch commander was played at the beginning of the gathering. “The Baloch will certainly get re-gain their Independence because we our cause is just and the enemy has forcefully occupied our land. The history is witness that illegal occupier will lose one day; sooner or later” the message explained.

Saba Dashtiyari said that the knowledge that Mamo Marri possessed cannot be cannot from any college or university in the world because he gained the ideological knowledge from the motherland and through his own experiences of the happenings in Balochistan. He said Mamo alone did not have this awareness but this ideological knowledge spread from Mir Mehrab Khan to Dr Allah Nazar Baloch.

Others speakers also paid rich tributes to Mamo Marri and other martyrs of Balochistan. They said that physical separation of Baloch leaders and activist cannot weaken the Baloch liberation movement. Throwing away the mutilated and tortured bodies of Baloch youth was the psychological defeat of Baloch enemy, said the speakers.

Meanwhile BSO-Azaad Malir (Karachi) zone also held a remembrance in the memory of Saddo aka Mamo Marri. They also paid glowing tributes to the Baloch guerilla commander for his sacrifices in defense of motherland Balochistan.

A brief life sketch of Shaheed Saddo Marri: Saddo Marri, also known to his beloved nation as Mamo Marri, was born in 1927 to a farmer family of Harnai, a small village, of district Sibi in Balochsitan.

This commander of Baloch resistance movement was a veteran of 1964 and 1972 war for independence of Balochistan. In 1977 when repression and brutalities of Pakistan regime have intensified against Baloch people thousands of Baloch, mainly from Marri tribe, migrated to Afghanistan, Mamo Marri and his family also joined them. Though not highly educated, he was a very well-informed and skilled commander of resistance. He would always encourage youngsters to study and use their knowledge for the benefit of Baloch and Balochistan. He admitted his son Shaheed Gulzar Marri at Wati School in Helmand Afghanistan where Mir Mohammad Ali alone taught hundreds of Marri Baloch students.

After spending many years in Afghanistan as refugees the Marri Baloch were finally forced by the Pakistani supported Mojahidin, the present day Taliban to leave Afghanistan. Eventually, in 1992 Commander Saddo along with thousands of other fellow Marri Baloch returned back to Balochistan and settled near Chiltan Mountain Hazarganji, New Khan Quetta. Hoping to start a normal life and educate his children just like any other decent human being. The Pakistani government and its military, however, made sure that Baloch people remain the slaves of Pakistan forever. In 2000, the military dictator Musharraf took power and declared a war in Balochistan starting from Marri and Bugti areas. Motherland Balochistan once again cried for help and called her brave sons to defend the dignity of herself and her children.

Saddo Marri along many other wars veterans of past were once again forced to take to mountains to help organize the youth and to delegate them the skills and responsibilities to carry out the legacy of their senior comrades. In 2004, when arm-resistance was getting organized in Makran he joined hands with young Sarmachars without caring about his old age. His commitment to the Baloch cause made him a firebrand speaker even though he was not highly educated but mind you, he had a very good common knowledge and he was one of the most persuasive commanders. Comrades who have seen Mamo from close say he was a very humble and down-to-earth man. He was good speaker and a very good listener too; he would always listen very attentively to others before making any comments about their talks.

On 3rd December 2007 a group of freedom fighters led by Saddo Marri attacked an FC (Frontier Corps) post in Kech district of Makran. This had become his last mission which he accomplished for his motherland. After wiping out the post he kept the remaining enemy soldiers engaged so his comrades could slip away. He kept fighting till he embraced martyrdom. His martyrdom occurred nearly three months after his son Gulzar Marri’s martyrdom on 14 August 2007. People close to him say that Mamo was proud of his son Shaheed Gulzar Marri but he was also stirred by the death of his young son. He used to say that “life is incomplete without my beloved son and I cannot rest until I join him too”.

His commitment brought into life the true philosophy of Baloch nationalism that every inch of our “Gul Zameen” (Motherland) is sacred to us. We fight for its freedom beyond our tribal affiliations. Long live Free United Balochistan
With thanks to Baloch vanguard

Remembering Shaheed Saadat Marri (Saddo Marri)
by Bilal Ahmed on Friday, 03 December 2010

( Shaheed Saddo Marri 'Saadat Marri' who sacrificed his life while fighting the Pakistani security forces on Dec 3rd, 2007. His detailed biography is given in the picture attached below the note)

People like Shaheed Saadat Marri are not born everyday and leave behind a treasure for others including youth to learn and act on their guidelines.

I am sure everyone has read the book of Shaheed published by BNM friends. After reading that book, one wonders about the insights of these Great men who not only question the claims of the enemy state but also challenge and destroy the myths of Baloch regarding history initiating a debate and coherently leading it to its logical conclusion.

Men like Shaheed Saadat Marri who challenge the traditions of slavery and try to minimize the effects of colonization don't have degrees from LUMS, IBA, KU or NUST but they have enough knowledge gained through debates in their own circles and through practical approach towards problems of Baloch. They combined and refined their existing knowledge and ideas with their practical experiences making their analysis accurate if not perfect.

The people within Baloch circles who criticize and malign the Nationalist Movement have a hollow analysis because their knowledge and analysis is based on theories unchecked by ground realities and existing challenges. "Knowledge without practice is mere intellectual play" Kant rightly said this because these immature people are playing game with the youth. They bark a lot about guerrilla theories but if ask them to stay for one day at a guerrilla camp and live the tough life as lived by Baloch Freedom Fighters then start justifying their cowardice by using sweet words of Middle Class, Education etc etc.

They say we are democratic people and we don't endorse violence. Is exposing the crimes of state through Pen undemocratic?? When even foreign writers are exposing the state crimes and genocide in Balochistan, the so called Middle Class people are quite. When they write they avoid annoying the establishment that's the main reason they couldn't produce any prolific writer. They produced pseudo-intellectuals who sit on AC rooms, criticize their oppressed people, malign the nationalist movement and avoid exposing the state and their own collaboration with the state.

" The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man."These words of George Bernard Shaw tell us why we see change in the Baloch society. It is with the sacrifice and guideline of Baloch Freedom fighters and activists that the new generation got to know the real face of this Fascist state. It is endeavor of people like Shaheed Saadat Marri that Baloch singers prefer and sing Nationalistic songs highlighting the slavery and subsequent misery of Baloch Nation. It is with the struggle of people like Saddo Marri that state is throwing job/perks/privileges to calm down the angry youth. It is with their struggle that the Baloch youth knows the difference between glamour and political activism. They have armed the youth with ideology and the only reason to believe in them is that they practice their words and do what they say.

Che Guevara once said :" Words that don not match deeds are unimportant" so now Baloch believe in those who do what they say and avoid those who just bark. They love those who resist and avoid those who submit.

Red solute to Shaheed Saadat Marri and other Baloch Martyrs.Long Live Revolution


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