Long live free and united Balochistan

Long live free and united Balochistan

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One wonder how does the American and European states explain the financial and diplomatic support given to Pakistan

Assassination is no longer recognised as instrument of national policy anywhere in the civilised world. But in the Pakistani’s and Iranian states it has been approved and practiced every day by the respective states authority as the states policy.

The crimes committed against Baluch in the name of preserving the artificial states; the question should be asked is the killing and oppression of the Baluch people justifying the preservation of artificial states that nobody want. The conduct of Pakistani government should be judged by the same standard as the conduct of the United States, or European government toward their citizens if we assume that the human are equal.

The Baluch are not less human; allowance of inhuman method against Baluch is not acceptable. In today’s Pakistan state authorities as well as religious moral has collapsed. The elites and army general ambition has forced diverse nations to live together otherwise have lived improved and stable lives in their respective states, each with its own language and custom, one would be more cultivated less war like than the others, one nation may less or more dominated by feudal lord, or religious.

Millions Baluch are facing inhuman condition and treated second or third class citizens, thousands are tortured and their dead body are dump on the roads side and yet no one made a single demonstration against these atrocities.

One wonder how does the American and European states explain the financial and diplomatic support given to Pakistan, that kills it own people support terrorist, encourage war against American and European are supporting the states that forces it own citizens to kill or be killed. The leftist and Islamic dominated organisations in London demonstrated in thousands in support of terrorist, but failed to demonstrate against genocide committed by Islamic republic of Pakistan and Iran against the secular minded Baluch people in Baluchistan.

The great civilization produces a good government, the Persian and Punjabi civilizations brought the pain and suffering to the Baluch.
M.sarjov is a political activest based in London,


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