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News : A detailed Interview with Dr Allah Nazar Baloch

Translated from Urdu to English by Adeenag Baloch

Q: Where is international political scenario leading to?

Dr. Allah Nazar (DAN): After collapse of Soviet Union, it is said that there is a unipolar world system where capitalism rules. In international system many problems have emerged, and most significant of these is aspirations of oppressed nations. In this context, we assume that this century is century of nationalism and freedom of oppressed nations. Across the world, national question is emerging in many countries and many of these are marching toward their resolutions.

Q: NATO is withdrawing from Afghanistan. Has it achieved its interests?

DAN: They have succeeded in certain aspects. USA and its allies have economic interests in the region that are interdependent with resolution of Baloch National Question. If they want to take Central Asian resources, gas and oil to western markets, the only way out is that of Baloch. Without resolution of Baloch National Question, they will never achieve their interests completely because resolutions of problems in the region depend upon freedom of Baloch and other oppressed nations.

Q: How do you see the arrest and killing of Osama?

DAN: Osama was their own creation. For Pakistan and ISI, he was a golden bird. I can say that Pakistan equally mourned his arrest as US celebrated it because Pakistan Army lost a credit card.

Q: What will be the impact of the recent changes in Mid-East on Baloch society? Can you evaluate?

DAN: A permanent resolution of Mid-East issues inter-depends with Palestine’s freedom. Until it is not recognized as an independent state, and its borders are not protected, the peace will not prevail in the region. Whereas the popular sentiments exist in Egypt, Tunis, and Yemen, it’s not a big blast. However, wherever changes come it will leave its impact, negative and positive, upon us. We will try to adopt their positive effects.

Q: How does Iran deal with Baloch in Western Balochistan? What are your views on the arrest of Abdul Malik Rigi?

DAN: Iran deals with Baloch the same way what Pakistan deals with us here. Baloch are occupied there too. They too have aspirations that their brethren Baloch in the East and the North live free, and they freely communicate with them. They too aspire for a free country. Iran kills Baloch in cold blood. They have been killed in thousands. The only difference between killing modus operandi is that Pakistan kills Baloch and dumps their bodies in desolated regions, and Iran hangs them in the streets. I mean the attitude is same. Whereas the question is about Abdul Malik Rigi and his killing, as a Baloch I mourn death of every single Baloch.

Q: What will be the impact of strategic war between US and China and that of economic interests among Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, especially over access to energy resources?

DAN: Strategic interests are different for each of them. They want to get their strategic interests from Pakistan, and economic interests in Balochistan. To Baloch, I say, everyone who helps the enemy is an imperialist. For example China is helping Pakistan military against Baloch, Baloch consider its role as imperialistic. In nutshell, the war of interests does not auger well for Baloch.

Q: It’s said that Pakistan has been using carpet bombs and chemical weapons against Baloch. What do you think whether it can use nuclear weapons or not?

DAN: Colonizers always use such lethal weapons to annihilate its enemy. We consider that its biggest goal is genocide of Baloch people. It has speeded up the genocide. Today, we as well as the civilized world are concerned about the safety of Pakistan’s nukes. These being in irresponsible hands with a dangerously irresponsible political thought can be used anytime for destruction of humanity.

Q: Can you estimate the scale of damage that ongoing Baloch war of freedom has inflicted upon Pakistan?

DAN : Perhaps Pakistan itself is not aware of the scale of damage. This is why it has not yet withdrawn from Balochistan. However the war has benefited Baloch so far. The proof of this is that this war halted the plan of huge colonial settlements in the shape of deep sea ports and other mega projects to devour and marginalize Baloch. The colonizer’s plan failed.I would add one thing here that Baloch is very sensitive about its freedom. The Baloch nation has passed through great changes in political thoughts and political consciousness, and the end result of the great change is an independent state (Balochistan).

Q: Is there any possibility of negotiation with Pakistan?

DAN: Impossible, except on freedom. I would add here that Baloch nation will never accept any attempt of negotiation and reconciliation with occupant Pakistan at the cost of the life of Baloch nation.

Q: How far parties fighting for freedom are organized?

DAN: Whereas matter related to the organizations fighting for freedom when you see and analyze role of each of them, one thing would be clear that Baloch nation is going through a very painful and critical phase. Till today many tactics are being used to externally and internally control those who are fighting the war of national freedom, and these elements have become active. Instead of this, the freedom fighters are consistently and vigorously fighting the war of freedom.

Q: What is the standard of nationalism to you? In present circumstances, which party can be called a nationalist party?

DAN: Perhaps everyone has its own standard of nationalism. However, my standard of nationalism is that a person who fights and takes parts in armed struggle and in politics for national liberation, and is ready to sacrifice his life for the cause is a true nationalist. Similarly those who enjoy looking at the bodies of martyrs and strive to get privileges and benefits a particular class can’t be categorized as nationalists. For example there are Baloch parliamentary parties like Balochistan National Party (BNP), Balochistan National Party (Awami), and National Party which do politics in the name of Baloch but in fact these are working against Baloch national freedom. They are helping Pakistan counter-insurgency efforts against Baloch nation.

Q: In your point of view, in what scale Baloch National Question has been highlighted in the world?

DAN: Due to the sacrifices of Baloch martyrs and indefatigable struggles of Sarmachars [freedom fighters], Baloch national question has echoed across the world.

Q: What is the role of Baloch women in the movement?

DAN: It’s very inspiring and satisfactory.

Q: Everyday mutilated bodies of Baloch people are found. What’s the reason that they become easy prey to security forces and their intelligence wings?

DAN: Political cadres always work in surface. Therefore they get as easy prey. Secondly the enemy abducts and kills political workers to spread fear among people not to join the war of freedom. But, this strategy is counter-productive and pushing them more towards failure because the enemy has no idea of Baloch’s strong and uncompromising intentions.

Q: What will be the end of pro- Pakistani Sardars and tribal chiefs? And how many of them will be murdered during the struggle?

DAN: I don’t use the term “murder” here. However, Baloch nation will hold them accountable. In the current war, in my view, except one Sardar, all other have negative roles. When we look into their present roles, we find them against Baloch and Baloch movement. In my opinion, they are not of Baloch traditions and culture but few commodities ready to be sold out.

Q: Who is that one sardar?

DAN: He is Nawab Khair Bux Marri.

Q: What is your message to the Baloch who serve currently in army, FC (Frontier Constabulary), intelligence agencies, and in administration?

DAN: The Baloch who do trivial jobs should consider freedom sacred instead. In a free country everyone has his due respect and role. On the other side, in a colonial system job is only a way of getting paid.

Q: What is your view about Mafia and the people who work as spy?

DAN: The liberation organizations have warned people in the Mafia for several times and have identified them. Not only among us but everywhere colonial power always use such tactics to defame freedom movement and to malign reputation of the freedom fighters.

Q: What is the figure of disappeared Baloch?

DAN: There are about 14,000 Baloch disappeared and they have been abducted by intelligence agencies: ISI (Inter-service Intelligence) and MI (Military Intelligence). No one count the number of martyrs in a war of liberation.

Q: By this time, how many Baloch have migrated from their motherland? Can you estimate?

DAN: Hundreds of thousands. Even it is beyond estimation.

Q: In future, in a free Balochistan, can Baloch Sarmachars (freedom fighters) come up to the standard of a regular army?

DAN: They can absolutely because a freedom fighting organization is an alternative state, and they are trained in such manner that they can take the charge of administration of the state. In my opinion Baloch guerrilla can control state affairs in a standard way after freedom.

Q: Are you satisfied with current pace of struggle? Is there any need for speeding up the struggle?

DAN: Every time and every moment there is space for improvement, and there is need for struggling more. I think we have to struggle hard this time to compel the occupant to leave our country.

Q: Have you ever regretted that a large number of people have been killed and many disappeared? What will be the end?

DAN: I have no regret. This war is a war of sacrifices. No one can reach to the destiny without sacrifices. Half a million people were killed in South Sudan. Did they regret? Baloch is also fighting the war of independence. It is possible that the enemy would speed up the oppression in coming days. But our people are brave. You will regret if you don’t have a goal. We have an explicit goal. We are fighting and being martyred for the liberation of our motherland. Therefore, Baloch is proud of it, and ready for more sacrifice.

Q: According to some groups, a scenario of provincial autonomy will diminish the cause for freedom. What is your opinion?

DAN: This is absolutely a wrong hypothesis. This is being spread by touts of the state. Provincial autonomy is a deception. It is a fraud, and a source of gathering wealth by the privileged class. It is a way to placate the members of the parliament and promote their status.

Q: What were you feeling while being arrested?

DAN: I was deeply feeling my slavery. It confirmed the belief that I am an occupied people.

Q: What did you feel after being released?

DAN: I decided to start the struggle again, and joined the war of liberation.

Q: What makes you happier?

DAN: It is human nature that one becomes happy over happening of good things, and sometime one feels pain too. If these both things do not exist in a human, one can’t be called a human.

Q: Any hobbies?

DAN: Struggle for liberation and study.

Q: What do you study?

DAN: I study on freedom movements, autobiography of warriors, history, philosophy, religion, literature and almost I am interested in study of every subject.

Q: It is said that you smoke a lot, any reason?

DAN: I am addicted to it now. At the start, I used to smoke less. Now I smoke more. However sometime, I do try to quit it.

Q: Are you interested in hunting?

DAN: Yes, I am.

Q: How many languages can you speak and understand?

DAN: I can speak in Balochi, Brauhi, and Urdu, and I can understand English.

Q: Who is your ideal?

DAN: Anyone person who fights for his independence.

Q: Do you have any interest in sport?

DAN: I had interest in playing but now I have no time. I used to enjoy playing chess, volley ball, and table tennis.

Q: Have you ever fallen in love?

DAN: Yes, with my land.

Q: When did you weep last time in life and why?

DAN: Such moments come in life but can’t say anything.

Q: What is your weakness?

DAN: No comment.

Q: When do you get outrage?

DAN: No comment.

Q: Do you fear from death?

DAN: If death is inevitable, then why to fear it!

Q: Generally, politicians s are polygamist but you have married once. Why?

DAN: Interestingly, I am not a politician. I am only a soldier in the war of liberation.

Q: Which animal do you like?

DAN: I like ox and chakoor.

Q: What are your favorite colors?

DAN: Yellow, white, light blue and red.

Q: Which weapon do you like?

DAN: The weapon that is in the hand.

Q: Any message for Baloch nation?

DAN: They should understand the notorious strategies and trickeries of the enemy, and should join the war of liberation because the enemy is in the trouble. It is in strain and very weak. The enemy is using new tools such as abduction against war of liberation. It is duty of every Baloch to understand trickery of the enemy, and be united.

Courtesy: Balochjohd.com


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