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Baluch Leaders In Us Invite Nato To Intervene In Baluchistan

"Ali Arjemandi informed us right now Ehsan Arjemandi has been handed over to Iran.

Washington DC: October 2, 2009.(Ahmar Mustikhan) The pro-independence American Friends of Baluchistan has urged the intervention of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Baluchistan to help save the Baluch people against the state atrocities of Iran and Pakistan.

The AFB appeal came in the wake of handing of Norwegian-Baluch national Ehsan Arjemandi to Iran. Arjemandi was arrested by the Pakistani Military Intelligence in Uthal, Baluchistan on August 7.

The AFB presiding council members Rasheed Baluch of Dallas, Texas, and Ghafoor Baluch of Mimai, Fla., in a letter to Wegger Chr. Strommen, ambassador of nor Way to the United States, called upon the government of Norway and European Union to cut off all aid to Pakistan immediately if Mr. Arjemandi is killed by Iran.

Pakistan and Iran have deep rooted security ties and the Baluch suspect Pakistan has already shifted nuclear know-how to Iran in exchange for petro-dollars.

Coppies of the letter was sent to Robert Kvile, Norway's ambassador to Pakistan; U.S. Department of State; Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Campaign International; Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Rasheed Baluch and Ghafoor Baluch wrote to Ambassador Strommen early Thursday morning:

"Ali Arjemandi informed us right now Ehsan Arjemandi has been handed over to Iran.

We had from the very beginning been urging Norway to take stronger measures to save Arjemandi's life.

His life is now in serious jeopardy as the fascist mullah regime of Iran does not heed to wise international counsel.

The rogue state of Pakistani has once again demonstrated that it violates all norms of international law by handing Arjemandi to Iran. The infamous Inter Services Intelligence and the Military Intelligence, are guilty of carrying out crimes against humanity with impunity against the Baluch people.

Through the government of Norway, I also urge all Scandinavian nations and the European Union to cut off all aid to Pakistan. The handing of Mr. Arjemandi is an affront to the government and people of Norway and the Islamic republics of Iran and Pakistan must be told clearly that their crimes against humanity in Occupied Baluchistan will not be tolerated by the international community.

We urge the Norwegian government to bring the full force of international law and justice on Pakistan, which in itself is not a very legitimate organization as it is run primarily by the infamous Inter Services Intelligence, jihadist generals and international smugglers.

As you know Mr. Arjemandi was abducted by the Pakistani Military Intelligence on the Mekran Coastal highway while traveling from Mand to Karachi in Pakistani Occupied Baluchistan on August 7.

In April this year, Baluch activists Ghulam Mohammed Baluch, Lala Munir Baluch and Sher Mohammed Baluch were abducted from their lawyer's office and killed by the Pakistani intelligence, but the interiror minister of Pakistan, Rehman Malik, came out with a statement that the government of Pakistan will reward anyone who provides information about the killing of the three. Such is the nature of the Pakistani state that more than 15 million Baluch all over the world hate.

Islamabad is also trying to portray Baluch international activists including our respresentatives to the UN Human Rights Council, Mehran Baluch and Noordin Mengal, as terrorists so that their international outreach work for Baluchistan is hampered.

The Baluch have launched a multi-faceted struggle for the liberation of Baluchistan so that such atrocities of Pakistan and Iran end for good.

We hate to say it, but we are feeling extremely let down by the Norwegian government.

We urge Norway to please blacklist Pakistan immediately. Through your kind office, we urge Norway to put this matter of violation of international law in Occupied Baluchistan before the NATO leadership to enable the International Security Assistance Force to help save the lives and well-being of Baluch people in Occupied Baluchistan against the state terrorism of the Islamic republics of Pakistan and Iran.

Such atrocities against a nation under occupation are an international issue and the world community must play its responsibility.

We once again call upon the EU to cut off Pakistan's aid for committing crimes against humanity in Occupied Baluchistan.

Baluchistan was granted independence separately from Pakistan on August 11, 1947 and thousands of Baluch have given their lives for the freedom of their homeland in five wars of liberation -- the last war is going on as we write these lines.

The Baluch do not share the state ideology of the Islamic republics of Pakistan and Iran that Jews, Christian and Hindus are their enemies and we urge people of all good faith to help us end the neo-colonial rule of Islamabad and Tehran in Occupied Baluchistan.

We urge the Royal Norwegian Government to initiate direct talks with the Baluch secular leadership demanding independence namely Baluch national heroes Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri and Nawab Brahamdagh Bugti, and the De Jure Ruler of Baluchistan Khan of Kalat Suleman Daud.

"I.S.A.F. intervention in Occupied Baluchistan is must to end Pakistani and Iranian state terrorism," the two AFB members said.

Source: http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/headlinenewsd.php?hnewsid=1442

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