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Banok Karima Baloch announces the protests schedule for abducted Zakir Majeed

Banok Karima Baloch announces the protests schedule for abducted Zakir Majeed & Others

Banok Karima Baloch (Junior vice chairperson BSO Azaad) announced protest camps, rallies, public gathering, seminars & defiance campaign to mobilize & aware the masses and to get attention of international community regarding life threats on abducted of Zakir Majeed (Senior Vice Chairman BSO Azaad) and others thousands of abducted Baloch political and human rights activist who they are abducted by Pakistan (military intelligence agencies) and there where about still unknown.

Mr. Zakir Majeed senior vice chairman BSO Azaad as illegally arrested by Pakistani military intelligence agencies on 8 of June 2009 from Mastung (now it is more than 4 month) with other two friends, the friends were release after brutal torture, but Zakir Majeed still in their custody, it is confirm by few release prisoners that Zakir is detain in Kolli Camp (Pakistan army camp). Baloch nation fare about Zakir’s life and health, the Pakistani agencies violating all human rights law’s, the prisoners of army detain center were brutally torture, many were of them got martyrdom and many were got mentally and physically damage (paralyzed), in these situation where Pakistan army killed many of top Baloch leadership like Ghulam Muhammad Baloch (Central President Baloch National Movement), Lala Munir (Member of Central Committee Baloch National Movement, and Sher Muhmmad Baloch (a leader of the Baloch Republican Party ) and recent past Central Joint Secretary Baloch National Movement Rasool Baksh Mengal were killed with brutal and extra ordinary torture with message tag “act will be continued in future” .

The occupier Pakistani state using all illegal protocol to hold the occupation longer, it is now lose because of Baloch pro-Independent struggle. Pakistani received advance equipment of torture to entertain the religious extremist, but the religious extremist are free to grow and all supplied advance weapons and equipments are being used against liberal Baloch masses who they are struggling against forceful occupation.

The protest schedule will be as followed

· 16 to 22 October 7 days token protest camp at Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta & Karachi.

· 17 October rally & public gathering at Khuzdar.

· 21 October rally & public gathering at Mastung.

· 22 October rally & public gathering at Noshki.

· 25 October rally & public gathering at Sibi.

· 26 October protest at Turbat

· 22 October seminar at Islamabad

· 13 November grand public gathering at Kalat

BSO Azaad requests the support and defenders of human rights, they should raise their voices on humanitarians bases to light the candle for colonized people of Balochistan, who they are brutally facing the abuses of human rights by colonials state Pakistan & Iran, who they are being abducted, tortured, killing, bombs with advance technologies by to criminal state Pakistan & Iran.


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