Long live free and united Balochistan

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Balochistan burns as Pakistan celebrates its Independence - By:Adeenag Baloch

Occupied Balochistan: As soon as Pakistan Independence Day started, Baloch welcomed it with hoisting black flags, observing complete shutter down strikes, bombs and rocket attacks on military and paramilitary personnels, installements and garrisons. It was a black day, a day of rage and hatred. Dozens of army men killed in such attacks and properties belong to the military were also put on fire.

The Cities and town being shut, people preferred to remain in the houses. It looked like a battle ground. It began on the eve of Black Day. A spy serving for IsI, Obaid, was gunned down in Karachi. He was involved in arrests and killings of several Baloch political leaders and freedom fighters. BLF claimed the responsibility.

As 14 August approached, bombs and rockets started rocking Balochistan. Almost no city and town spared. A bomb blew up a FC vehicle in Kalat. Another car of SPC Investigation Police in Kalat received heavy damages. In the morning, another attack damaged the wall of NBP, National Bank of Pakistan.
On Saturday night, unknown gunmen started firing in Noshki. It horrified the local. They were driving on two car ,and vanished in the dark.

Nine bombs blast rocked Sui, the headquarter of Dera Bugti at Saturday night. BRA spokesperson claimed the responsibility and warned more blast yet to come.

Quetta the capital of occupied Balochistan rocked with several bomb blasts. A grenade attack on FC vehicle patrolling in Quli Qambrani killed several FC personnel.

Baloch Liberation Front spokeperson claimed responsibilities for several attacks. Basham Baloch calling via satellite phone from an unknown location told that they had killed Jamadar Obaid, an ISI spy in Karachi. He used to spy against Baloch and ran a huge network of spy in Makran and Karachi. He claimed that Baloch freedom fighters fired several rockets on FC camp in Awaran. Seven FC men were killed and several other were injured. BLF also claimed responsibility for burning down a PTC Exchange House in Basima. He also claimed responsibility for killing another spy, Waleed, in Turbat.

A complete shutter down and wheel jammed strike was observed across Balochistan. The call for strike was given by Baloch National Front, Baloch Liberation Front , Baloch Republican Army and Baloch Liberation Army.Baloch people marked 14 august as black day. People hoisted black flags, wore black clothes. Baloch youths on Facebook and Twitter revealed their hatred and rage by writing status such as “Pakistan Murda bad”, “ 14 August the black day for Baloch”.


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