Long live free and united Balochistan

Long live free and united Balochistan

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Sweden should condemn executions of political prisoners in Iran and work to ensure that the Iranian rulers with Khamenei and Ahmadinedjad as highest responsible becomes convicted of crimes against humanity in the UN international tribunal.

Appeal to the Swedish government and political parties

Sweden should condemn executions of political prisoners in Iran and work to ensure that the Iranian rulers with Khamenei and Ahmadinedjad as highest responsible becomes convicted of crimes against humanity in the UN international tribunal.

Again, the Iranian regime defied the international community and executed five political prisoners of Kurdish origin. As usual, they have been accused of having links with armed groups fighting the regime. This indictment is the most common and standard accusation when the regime execute political prisoners of Kurdish or ethnic Baloch origin. The Kurds political prisoners usually accuse to have links with Pjak (a Kurdish rebel group) and the Balochs accuses of belonging to Jundollah (a Baloch rebel group). In addition to these accusations they often accuses of being spies for the West, and Israel!

The Kurdish political prisoners have been sentenced to death without having the opportunity to defend themselves in a trial that is worth the name.

The Iranian regime has, since they took power in 1979, executed more than hundreds of thousands of political prisoners. In the beginning was the supporter of the Iranian opposition group Mojahedin Khalgh and sympathizers of the various left groups who were victims of the regime's anger. But in recent years, the majority of the executed are from Balochs or Kurds. One of the main reasons is that they belong to the Sunni branch of Islam, unlike the Persian rulers who are Shia Muslims. Another reason is that the provinces of Balochistan and Kurdistan are exploited by the regime but no investment is made there. Unemployment and poverty are highest in these regions. Therefore people are protesting. The regime responds to criticism with imprisonment and executions.

Another minority that is under strong repression is the Arab minority who inhabit the oil-rich province Alahvaz. Despite oil wealth, the Arabs living in misery. The slightest protest is answered with execution. Other minorities such as Azeri (Turks) are also discriminated but not as much as Balochs, Kurds and Arabs.

As protest to the recent killings have, the Kurds in of Iran occupied part of Kurdistan, announced and implemented a successful strike. In addition, many demonstrations have been taken place in various countries around the world. But the regime in Iran does not care so much of public opinion abroad. And therefore it is time that the Swedish government in cooperation with UN and the EU works to bring the Iranian leaders to justice in the international court in the same way as you did with the former Yugoslavian or African war criminals.

Kind Regards,
M. Baloch

Baloch Community - Sweden

Stockholm 2010-05-15


Baloch.community.se @ gmail.com



Till den svenska regeringen och politiska partier

Sverige bör fördöma avrättningarna i Iran och verka för att ställa de iranska makthavarna inför internationella domstolen i Haag för brott mot mänskligheten

Återigen har den iranska regimen trotsat det internationella samfundet och avrättat fem politiska fångar av kurdiskt ursprung. Som vanligt har de anklagats för att ha haft samröre med väpnade grupper som bekämpar regimen. Denna anklagelse är den vanligaste och standard anklagelsen när regimen vill avrätta regim kritiker med kurdiskt eller balochiskt etnicitet. Kurderna stämplas s att ha samröre med Pjak (en kurdisk rebell grupp) och balochiska politiker anklagas för att tillhöra Jundollah (balochiskt rebell grupp). Utöver det anklagas dessa oftast att vara spioner för väst och Israel! Därefter döms dessa regimkritiker till döden utan att få möjlighet att försvara sig i en rättegång som är värt namnet.

Den iranska regimen har, sedan de tog makten 1979, avrättat hundra tusentals politiska fångar . I början var de anhängare till den iranska oppositionsgruppen Mojahedin Khalgh samt sympatisörer till de olika vänster grupperna som var offer för regimens ilska. Men under de senaste decennierna är det mestadels balocher och kurder som avrättas brutalt. En anledning till varför balocherna och kurderna är överrepresenterade i avrättningarna är att de till skillnad från regimen tillhör Sunnigrupper av islam. Efter kurderna och balocherna är det den arabiska minoriteten i Alhavaz provinsen som är drabbade.

Som protest för de senaste avrättningarna har kurderna i det av Iran ockuperade delen av Kurdistan utlyst och genomfört en lyckad strejk. Dessutom har många demonstrationer ägt rum i olika länder runt om i världen. Men regimen i Iran bryr sig inte så mycket av opinionen utomlands. Därför är det dags att den svenska regeringen verkar, inom ramen för FN och EU, att ställa de iranska ledarna inför internationell domstol på samma sätt som man gjorde med f.d. Jugoslaviska krigsherrar samt i Afrika.

M. Baloch

Baloch Community – Sweden

Stockholm 2010-05-15





Kopia till:

- Amnesty International
- Massmedia
- Samtliga svenska politiska partier

1 comment:

  1. Hi sir,
    please dont waste your time to listen to balochestan website, they try to say persian people are not good, and they say they are not iranians, ok, if they are just immigrants to iran from other countries, and they dont like Iran, why they dont comeback to their original country, assume some countries like sweden and norway, they accept some refugies people from poor contries, after 200-300 years they claim ,we want to seperate some part of norway or sweden for our country, because we are not original swedish, but we are living here for 300 years, and our population is more than original swedeish then the formal language should be our language too, do you think they are right, please dont support those unfaithful people, I can predict maybe 50 years later ,most of population of scandinavians will be muslims, then they want be separte. like in Iran.god bless kind persian people, that they support those unkind people.
