Long live free and united Balochistan

Long live free and united Balochistan

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Is Baluchistan the next Bangladesh?

IT IS strange that the people of India are blaming Manmohan Singh of a climb down.I believe to the contrary Pakistan has shot itself in the foot, which is bound to be effectively capitulated from the hip once the full gangrene sets in.

Baluchistan was believed to be under full control of Pakistani army and an indivisible part of Pakistan. Not any more the world and in particular the ever growing enemies of Pakistan are smelling the rat. And are bound to dig deeper to expose what is really happening in Quetta.

Let us not forget that once the Iranian Baluchistan gets connected to the problem, a whole new liberation movement will erupt on the horizon, then how would Pakistani Army convince Americans that they need more funds to quell the justified rebellion?

Manmohan has taken the getaway route of no dialogue once the declaration is printed in black and white but the Baluchistan sentence is now struck firmly relegating Kashmir into a darkest alley. And another world is now waking up to see what Baluchistan is all about, exactly like what is happening in the Chinese grab deal in Urumchi of former East Turkmenistan.

Quetta and Urumchi are now firmly interlinked on the rebellion for Independence map.

Unbelievably, the words of Barack Obama are definitely proving to be an accelerating catalyst inspiring the lowest ranks of miserably oppressed populations of Central Asia. They are beginning to believe in what he says.

How ironic that China and Pakistan, both supporters of each other’s policies and who are amongst some of the most oppressive regimes of poor playing on religious and ethnic cards to hang on to power, are both facing the dawn of new reality together.

We know that Pakistanis are now fighting the Pakistani Army everywhere in their own country quite conveniently labelled as religious extremists under the guise of fooling Americans but is it really true that their only identity is born and bred Islamic terrorists? Not at all.

It will be too late before the world realises that in reality this is the war between the oppressed and the oppressor with religion and ethnic unrest used to camouflage to quell a mighty rebellion into making.

The revolution will need only one Bastille of Baluchistan and East Turkmanistan to ignite and just wait and see how the chinks of the Armour fall out of both China and Pakistan.

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