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Islamabad is Playing With Fire in Balochistan

Islamabad is Playing With Fire in Balochistan

The Baloch Hal Interview
The Balochistan Government is increasingly coming under criticism from the Baloch nationalists, including from the Balochistan National Party, for failing to improve the political and security situation in the province. The Baloch Hal spoke to the U.S. president of the B.N.P., Dr. Tara Chand Baloch, about the government’s policies. Dr. Baloch had previously served as a cabinet minister in the Balochistan Government and now he is an ardent critic of Islamabad’s policies toward Balochistan. Excerpts:
Do you think the Balochistan government led by Dr. Malik Baloch has performed better than the previous government of Nawab Aslam Raisani?
I do not see any difference between the two governments. The PPP government carried out massive corruption in the name of democracy while this government is doing the same thing under the umbrella of nationalism. This government has not come up with a concrete economic policy.
At least the previous government did not claim to be ‘nationalist’ but this government is involved in widespread corruption and it continues to call itself as nationalist. All political parties sitting in the government are on the same page in terms of indulging in corruption. We do not have any expectations from the federal government considering its consistent policy of repression and exploitation. The army is equally engaged in killing our people and protecting those who are inflicting pain on the Baloch nation. The so-called nationalist forces in the government should not at least use the face of nationalism to shield their corruption, bad governance and compromise on the Baloch interests.
So does the B.N.P. regret participating in the last general elections?
No, we do not regret contesting the elections. We were defeated via pre-planned rigging. Everyone knows that pre-poll rigging takes place in Pakistan. Our party believes in engaging in all forms of struggle to defend Balochistan’s rights and interests.  Some political leaders, who are protesting in Islamabad these days, are also validating our claim that the last elections were rigged. If you ask whether or not we would contest the next elections, I would say yes. Because we do not want to give a free way to the so-called nationalist parties to come in power and further undermine our interests and usurp Balochistan’s resources. Such forces will continue to keep Balochistan backward and deepen the existing level of poverty.
Chief Minister Dr. Malik Baloch visited China with the Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to sign an agreement on Gwadar Port. Does it indicate that the nationalists have problems with development only when they are out of power and once they come into government they support the same projects on which they mainly base their political campaigns?
It is primarily the same reason why we oppose Dr. Malik Baloch and his policies. Before coming in power, his party also opposed the Gwadar Port and we had an identical stance on all these issues. Now, they are acting differently and, behind the scene, they are facilitating the plunder of Balochistan’s mineral wealth in order to support Pakistan’s broken economy. It is not only about Gwadar but they are also supporting the sell-out of Reko Diq gold and copper project.  The Chief Minister, in a recent controversial decision, appointed Arslan Iftikhar, the son of the former Chief Justice, as the vice chairman of the Balochistan Investment Board. Could he not find an eligible Baloch for this position? Such appointments clearly indicate the current provincial government is supporting those who want to take away Balochistan’s natural resources.
But the B.N.P. is also a part of the Balochistan Assembly. What has your Party done, inside and outside the Assembly, to oppose what you call as exploitation of natural resources? We have not seen much protest from the B.N.P. 
It is not correct that we have not been protesting against the current government’s policies. Since this government was formed, we have exposed its inefficiencies and corruption at all platforms. Due to Dr. Malik Baloch’s failure, Mehmood Khan Achakzai, chairman of the Pashtunkhawa Milli Awami Party, has been patronized by Islamabad to emerge as Balochistan’s representative whereas we believe he does not represent the Baloch. Achakzai also broke the trust of the parties that formed the PONM [Pakistan’s Oppressed Nations’ Movement]. When he became the convener of PONM, he dumped the whole Movement in the cold storage. Now he is trying to pose as the representative of Baloch. He got his brother appointed as the Governor of Balochistan. On his part, the Governor is absolutely indifferent to the problems and sufferings of Balochistan.
There are regular reports these days about increasing religious radicalization across Balochistan. What is the reason for this outburst and what could it lead to?
This is indeed a deeply concerning issue. Thousands of female students are unable to attend school in Panjgur because extremist religious groups have forcefully shut down girls’ schools. In some cases, schools have been burnt, teachers beaten up and students harassed. Yet, the government of Dr. Malik Baloch has not taken any action. This is one issue on which we ask the government to take action to dismantle these extremist groups but we know the government will not do so because these organizations are actually created, supported and protected by the government and intelligence agencies.
In spite of this, the Chief Minister ridiculously claims that the state of law and order is improving. The wave of religious radicalization is very dangerous for Balochistan. It will have unimaginable consequence on our coming generations. When Baloch girls are forcefully deprived of education then where is the Pakistani media, civil society and Malala Yousafzai, the global champion of female education?
Religious radicalization is not only limited to the attacks on girls’ schools. The recent attack on the Zikri community in Awaran reflects that the extremists’ operational territory is expanding.
The Baloch society has always been tolerant of religious diversity and pluralism. Our people had never been intolerant toward people with different religious or sectarian beliefs. What we are seeing today in the Baloch society is the brainchild of the Pakistani intelligence agencies. By supporting radical groups to counter the progressive Baloch nationalists, Islamabad is playing with fire.
Do you think the ongoing armed resistance will further escalate or eventually fade away as the federal government endeavors to accommodate pro-Islamabad nationalist parties?
The Baloch movement is a true struggle that has its roots in the people and our history. If you compare the last five years of the movement with the first five years, you will see significant improvement and achievement of the national goals. The movement is increasing and gaining more strength day by day.
So does the B.N.P.  support the armed struggle in Balochistan?
We believe the Baloch people should struggle for their right to self-determination from every place and platform because our enemy (Islamabad) is also utilizing all resources and opportunities to crush and exploit the Baloch.  Our demand is unequivocally consistent with the United Nations Charter and the International Law.
How hopeful are you about the success of the Baloch movement in the future?
I am very optimistic about the future of the Baloch struggle. We have a bright future ahead of us because today our young generation is more educated, conscious and aware of the history, exploitation and injustice. Our youth is on the right direction. They know what they should be doing and what should be done.
There appears a tendency in Islamabad to equally underestimate peaceful struggles waged by the Baloch. For instance, Abdul Qadeer Baloch and his colleagues from the Voice for Missing Baloch Persons led a historic long march from Quetta to Islamabad but it did not culminate in the release of the missing Baloch persons. 
Exactly. Abdul Qadeer Baloch made history by standing up against Pakistan’s injustice although the long march did not necessarily reduce or end illegal arrests, torture, disappearances and targeted killing of the Baloch people.  This validates my earlier argument that the Baloch should struggle on all platforms as you see Islamabad even does not have respect for peaceful movements such as the one headed by the family members of the missing Baloch. Islamabad treats Balochistan just like an occupied territory.
Published in The Baloch Hal on September 1, 2014

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