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Pakistan ISI released only two families, abducted recently, but where are other Baloch women and children abducted during 2005-2017 ? #DownWithPakistan #SaveBalochWomen

Pakistan ISI released only two families, abducted recently, but where are other Baloch women and children abducted during 2005-2017 ?
#DownWithPakistan #SaveBalochWomen

Please click on the link below, sign and share this petition to the UN for the release of Baloch women and children whom have been abducted by the Pakistani Army.

UN TAKE ACTION: Release all Baloch Women and Children ABDUCTED by the Pakistani Army NOW.

The Pakistani Army is currently engaged in a systematic programme of abducting Baloch women and children from all over Balochistan, holding them captive at undisclosed locations and subjecting them to torture and sexual harrassment. 
Pakistan was selected by the UN General Assembly to serve as a member of the UN Human Rights Council in October 2017 and yet within barely a few weeks it has committed crimes in direct contravention of the declarations for the protection of women and children in conflict zones. It has subjected Baloch women and children to
- Mass arrests
- Imprisonment
- Torture
- Sexual Harrassment
- Enforced Disappearance
We urge the United Nations to take urgent action by petitioning Pakistan for the immediate release of all Baloch women and children.
We remind the UN that during the 1971 Bangladesh war for independence, members of the Pakistani military and supporting Islamist militias from Jamaat e Islami are estimated to have raped up to four hundred thousand Bangladeshi women in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape. 
We urge the UN to TAKE URGENT ACTION NOW in order to prevent a disastrous repetition in Balochistan.
 Please click on the link below, sign and share this petition to the UN for the release of Baloch women and children whom have been abducted by the Pakistani Army.

Letter to the Swedish government and political parties and organizations to put pressure on Pakistan to release the kiddnaped Baloch women and children including Dr Allah Nezar's wife and daughter.

Till Svenska regeringen, politiska partier, Svenska Amnesty, Svenska FN, Röda korset och Rädda barnen

Ämne: Kidnappning av kvinnor (fruar) och barn av baluchiska oppositionella av Pakistans militär och säkerhetstjänst ISI

Måndagen den 30:e november 2017 dvs i början av veckan har den Pakistanska brutala underrättelsetjänsten ISI fört bort några baluchiska kvinnor och barn, inklusive Fazila Baloch frun till den balochiske motståndrörelsens ledare Dr Allah Nezar Baloch och deras 4-årige adopterade dottern Popal tillsammans med 2 andra kvinnor och barn. Dessa kvinnor och barn togs, i själva verket, som gisslan för att deras män/pappor är politiskt aktiva mot Pakistans militärs brutala krigsföring i den av Pakistan ockuperade Balochistan. 

De andra offren som också fördes bort under samma dag är Bibi Salma och hennes 18 månader gamla barn Irfan, Hayal och hennes 2-årige dotter Zaheerag och Gowhar.
Under samma raid bortfördes också 7-åriga Guharam Baloch, 9 åriga Flerak Baloch och 17 åriga Beebarg Baloch, 18 åriga Samiullah Baloch och 16 åriga Shahmeer.
Fazila och hennes barn var i Quetta för att söka läkarvård efter att ha skadats av Pakistanska bomber mot deras by i Mashkay, Balochistan tidigare i år."
Tidigare har pakistanska styrkorna bortfört, torterat och dödat baluchiska kvinnor från Kohistan Marri, Dera Bugti, Bolan, Kalat, Awaran och resten av Balochistan.

Balochistan som var en självständig stat fram till 1948 ockuperades av den nybildade Pakistan år 1948 och annekterades samma år av den islamiska terroriststaten Pakistan mot balocherna’s vilja och med vapenmakt.
Balochistan är rik på naturtillgångar och har strategiska hamnar såsom Gwadar. Pakistan exploaterar Balochistans naturtillgångar och balocherna får inte ta del av inkomsterna. Sedan ett decennium har Pakistan överlämnat kontrollen av den strategiska hamnen Gwadar till Kina utan att Balocherna tillfrågats eller får del av inkomsterna. Kina och Pakistan forslar bort naturtillgångarna till Kina eller till resten av Pakistan speciellt till de styrandes provins Punjab. Det minsta protest av balocherna leder till gripande, tortyr och avrättning.

Hittills har tre massgravar hittats i Balochistan där har man hittat lik till baluchiska politiska fångar eller vanliga bybor efter att militären har gått in i byarna, bränt ner deras hus, dödat deras kreatur, förstört deras skördar och gripit alla män och numera även kvinnor och barn där männen flytt byarna innan militärens räder och begravt kropparna i massgravarna.

Under den senaste 10 åren har Pakistan startat ett krig mot balocherna i tysthet där dagligen begås krigsförbrytelser av den Pakistanska armén, underrättelsetjänsten ISI och dess paramilitära milis FC och islamiska jihadister understödda av ISI. Dessa har fört bort ca 20.000 studenter, advokater, journalister, politiker, lärare, barn, kvinnor, gamla, unga, m.fl. Ingen av deras anhöriga vet vad som har hänt med dem, och om dem lever eller var de förvaras!

Dagligen hittas lemlästa och torterade kroppar av dessa fångar/gisslan i utkanterna av städerna. Ett hundratal kända baluchiska fredliga politiker är bland de mördade som har förts bort, torterats och deras lemlästa kroppar har hittats i utkanterna av städer och byar. I en del falla har kropparna kastats ner från helikoptrar i luften!

Vi balocher i Sverige vädjar till den svenska regeringen, politiska partier, Amnesty, Röda korset, Rädda barnen m.fl. organisationer att verka för att dessa kvinnor och barn friges så fort som möjligt.

Att den svenska regeringen sätter press på den Pakistanska regimen att stoppa den brutala kriget i Balochistan och drar tillbaka sina styrkor från Balochistan.

Att den svenska regeringen sätter press på den Pakistanska och kinesiska regimerna att sluta exploatera Balochistan och lämna styret till balocherna.

Att Pakistans krigsförbrytelser tas upp i FN och EU och fördöms av världssamfundet.

Med tack på förhand
Mohim Baloch
Baloch Community Sweden

The Mass Graves of Balochistan | HuffPost

Number of bodies recovered from Balochistan mass grave reaches 17

 UNPO: Balochistan: Four More Bodies Found In Mass Grave

 BBC: Balochistan war: Pakistan accused over 1,000 dumped bodies


BBC: Balochistan: The untold story of Pakistan's other war


Al Jazeera World - Balochistan: Pakistan's other war


Pakistan's Dirty War In Balochistan – Countercurrents

بلوچ خواتین و بچوں کی پاکستان کےہاتھوں اغوا گمشدگی کی تسلسل ہیں :حیربیار مری

لندن (ہمگام نیوز) بلوچ قوم دوست رہنماء حیربیار مری نے اپنے ایک بیان میں کہا ہے کہ نام نہاد مذہبی قومیت کی بنیاد پر بننے والی پاکستان کی جبر و استبداد اور مذہبی انتہاء پسندی پر مبنی پالیسیاں نہ صرف مذہبی رجعت…

Balochistan: Pakistani forces abducted four Baloch women and three children from Quetta

Balochistan: Pakistani forces abducted four Baloch women and three children from Quetta


QUETTA: Pakistan forces have abducted at least four Baloch women and three children including the wife and daughter of  Dr Allah Nazar from Saryab Road area of Quetta on Monday.
According to details the Pakistani intelligence agencies raided a house in Quetta’s Saryab Road area and abducted Fazila Baloch and her 4-year-old daughter Popal Jan along with three other Baloch women and two children.
Fazila Baloch is the wife of pro-freedom Baloch leader Dr Allah Nazar Baloch whereas Popal Jan is their adopted daughter.
The other victims include Bibi Salma and her 18-month-old child Irfan, Hayal and her 2-year-old daughter Zaheerag and Gowhar Jan.
During same raid Pakistani forces also abducted 7 years old Guharam Baloch, 9 years old Meerak Baloch and 17 years old Beebarg Baloch, 18 years old Samiullah Baloch and 16 years old Shahmeer.
The Baloch National Movement (BNM) in a press statement confirmed the abduction of Fazila Baloch, other women and children. “Fazila was in Quetta for treatment after previously being wounded in Pakistani security forces bombardment on her village in Mashkay Balochistan.”
The BNM said apart from backbone discomfort she was also suffering from Post Traumatise Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to the Pakistani state brutalities.
The BNM has appealed Amnesty International, United Nations and other human rights organisations to play their role for the safe and immediate release of Baloch women and children.
The latest wave of the abductions of Baloch women and children sparked a new wave of anger among Baloch activists who took to social media to condemn United Nation for electing Pakistan as a member of United Nations Human Rights Commission earlier this month.
Previously, Pakistani forces have abducted, tortured and killed Baloch women from Kohistan Marri, Dera Bugti, Bolan, Kalat, Awaran and rest of Balochistan.
Baloch pro-freedom activists say that Pakistan is repeating the history of Bangladesh in Balochistan and the silence of UN and the rest of the International Community is encouraging Pakistan to continue its crimes with impunity.

ڈاکٹر اللہ نزر کی اہلیہ اور دیگر خواتین کی گرفتاری کسی صورت قابل قبول نہیں - بی این پی

بلوچستان نیشنل پارٹی کے مرکزی بیان میں بلوچ رہنماء ڈاکٹر اللہ نذر بلوچ کی اہلیہ اور دیگر 3خواتین سمیت بچوں کی اغواء نما گرفتاری کی مذمت کرتے ہوئے کہا گیا ہے کہ یہ اقدام بلوچ اور اسلامی روایات کے برعکس اقدام…

به گروگان گرفتن زنان و کودکان بلوچ اوج ذلت وحقارت اشغالگران

به گروگان گرفتن زنان بیگناه و کودکان معصوم در بلوچستان اشغالی  اوج ذلت  آی۰اس۰ آی و حقارت ارتش ددمنش پنجاب را به نمایش گذاشته است۰  گروگانگیری  اعضای خانواده های سرمچاران و آزادیخواهان بلوچ با دستگیریهای اخیر وارد فازجدیدی شد۰
اینبار آی۰اس۰ آیِ شکست خورده  خانم فضیله بلوچ (همسر دکتر الله نظر بلوچ رهبر جبهه آزادیبخش بلوچستان ) را بهمراه چند تن از خویشاوندان وی در سریابِ در شهر کویته  و خواهر سرمچار اسلم بلوچ و فرزندان خردساش را نیز به اسارت گرفت۰ فقط طی  شبانه روز گذشته پنج کودک و سه نوجوان بلوچ  در کراچی و کویته به وسیله اشغالگران پاکستانی به گروگان گرفته شده اند

این ترفند وحشیانه اشغالگران که نشانه شکست  نظامی آنان است  برای همیشه در تاریخ بلوچستان ثبت خواهد شد۰ تاریخ ما از همسایگانی اشغالگر و بی تمدن حکایتها خواهد داشت۰ اشغالگرانی که طفلهای شیرخوار بلوچ، جوانآن و حتی  سالمندان نود ساله ما را با سبعیت ازدم تیغ گذراندند۰
اما ملت بلوچ به آزادی و رهایی دست خواهد یافت وبه برکت خون هزاران شهید  بلوچستان مستقل خواهد شد۰  
در نهایت سخنم با رهبران آزادیخواه  بلوچستان این است که به پاس گرامیداشت یاد شهدای راه آزادی وبخاطر همین کودکان معصوم دربند و خواهران اسیر، بخاطر مادران داغدیده و برای رسیدن به استقلال و آزادی  متحد شوند۰ با اتحاد ملی می توان دشمنان زبون و بی تمدن را زودتر شکست داد۰
آزات ءُ آباد بات گنجيــــں بلوچستـــــــــان
پروشت ءُ پروش باتنـــت ايران ءُ پاکستان
محمد کریم بلوچ
اکتبر ۲۰۱۷

Baloch National Movement (BNM) : I appeal to all progressive and liberal parties and students organizations to protest against the enforced disappearance of nine Baloch children and students from Karachi. Chairman Khalil Baloch

6 867 visningar
Baloch National Movement (BNM) har lagt till en ny I appeal to all progressive and liberal parties and students o...
I appeal to all progressive and liberal parties and students organizations to protest against the enforced disappearance of nine Baloch children and students from Karachi. Chairman Khalil Baloch

World Baloch Women Forum condemns abduction of Baloch women

Vancouver: – The World Baloch Women Forum (WBWF), has strongly condemned abductions of family members, including women and children, of two prominent Baloch leaders Dr.Allah Nazar and Aslam Baloch, and  abduction of Nawaz Ata Baloch , Information Secretary of BHRO (Baloch Human Rights Organization).

In a statement, head of WBWF Prof. Naela Quadri Baloch said: ‘This incident is just tip of an iceberg of  Pakistani government’s ongoing systematic and categorical persecution and ethnic cleansing of the Baloch people.’
WBWF said they are shocked and dismayed at flagrant unethical practices committed by Pakistani security forces and Intelligence agencies against women, children and Human Rights activists, that are illegal and gross violations under International Law.
Prof Quadri added: “the Pakistan army’s well-documented brutal use of heavy artillery against unarmed innocents, along with helicopter gunships, and its merciless acts of burning village hutments, slaughter of unarmed civilians, rape, kidnap, torture, and extrajudicial killings are utterly incomprehensible acts of inhumanity.”
WBWF urged World Governments, UN, and Human Rights groups to take appropriate concrete steps in holding the Government of Pakistan responsible and accountable, and  demand immediate release of all abducted Baloch people.
Prof Naela Quadri said “It is high time for UN to constitute a Commission of Inquiry to investigate all cases of Enforced Disappearance and Extrajudicial killings.”
WBWF called upon all Baloch, Sindhi and Pastun groups to stand united against Pakistani coercive acts and savagery.

Nov 02, 2017

UNPO Strongly Condemns the Enforced Disappearance of Baloch Activists’ Families

On Monday 30 October 2017 at 12:30 PM, Pakistani Security Services raided a house in the Saryab area of Quetta city, in Pakistan. Baloch activist Dr Allah Nazeer Baloch’s wife and daughter, Fazeela and Popal, along with three other woman and children were all and taken into custody. In a separate incident on Saturday 28 October 2017, Muhammad Nawaz Atta, information secretary for Baloch Human Rights Organization and eight other students and children were taken into custody. Since the enforced disappearances, no information on their well-being has been heard. UNPO unequivocally condemns this crackdown and calls for their immediate release.
Fazeela Baloch was in Quetta for spinal surgery and treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following an aerial attack by Pakistan’s military in Awaran a few years ago when the raid on Monday happened. Her daughter and three other women as well as their children were also taken away during the raid and since, there has been no further information regarding their safety or wellbeing. UNPO voices its grave concern for the health conditions of those taken.
The government has confirmed three women in their custody, yet refuses to release their identity until after thorough investigations are done. The spokesman of the Pakistani government in Balochistan, Anwar Kakar, told BBC Urdu that the women were taken into custody from concerns of their affiliation with banned Balochi organizations. He further stated that they were in custody in Chaman, a town near the Afghanistan border.
In a separate incident, the Human Rights Council of Balochistan has stated that the information secretary of the Baloch Human Rights Organization, Nawaz Muhammad Atta, was taken in Karachi by Sindhi Rangers. According to the BHRO, his house was entered without warrant where his family encountered physical violence during which he was blindfolded and taken away. During the same night but in different properties, eight other teenagers and children belonging to the extended family of Mr Atta were taken as well. Since their disappearance, there has been no news regarding their whereabouts or wellbeing.
Following these incidents, the World Baloch Organization (WBO), the Baloch National Movement, the Baloch Human Rights Organization, the Human Rights Council of Balochistan and many other Baloch organizations have called on the United Nations, the American Government and others in the international human rights community to condemn the ongoing kidnapping and enforced disappearances occurring in Balochistan at the hands of the Pakistani government. UNPO reiterates its support for the Balochi peaceful struggle for self-determination, condemns these recent events and calls on the Pakistani government to immediately release all those who have disappeared. 
